Neurological Disorders
Our dedicated team of scientists, clinicians, and technologists work tirelessly to advance the science, refine techniques, and explore novel applications for exosome therapeutics.
Our bold vision is to completely revolutionize the exploration, advancement, and application of regenerative therapies by harnessing the combined power of artificial intelligence and perinatal derivatives.
Neurological Conditions
Our lead product KH-1814 is an exosome therapeutic produced from Mesenchymal Signaling Cells for Parkinson’s Disease intervention. It is rich in PD-relevant agents like TGF-β, BMPs, CNTF, BDNF, GDNF, NGF, and hsa-mir-29 microRNAs, and can efficiently cross the blood-brain barrier.
HydroKarma Skin Care
Our journey in to the world of aesthetics began with a simple yet profound vision: to create a skincare product that caters to the unique needs of aging skin. HydroKarma is the culmination of our research and a deep passion for enhancing natural beauty.
Our team of scientists and skincare enthusiasts came together to craft a formula that harnesses the healing power of nature and cutting-edge science. The result? HydroKarma – a skincare product that not only combats the visible signs of aging but also accelerates the healing process for everyday skin issues.
Our team of scientists and skincare enthusiasts came together to craft a formula that harnesses the healing power of nature and cutting-edge science. The result? HydroKarma – a skincare product that not only combats the visible signs of aging but also accelerates the healing process for everyday skin issues.